USC- SLATC Report on Community Leaders and the Urban Forest

The development of the official UNNC Tree Policy was a collaborative effort that started early in the development process. The main goal of the policy was to retain as many trees as possible during any development or construction projects. This was achieved through a number of strategies and partnerships that worked towards preserving the tree canopy in the area.

One of the key partnerships that contributed to the success of the policy was with CIM Development. CIM Development visited with UNNC, the local Neighborhood group located at Western and the 10 Fwy. During the meeting, CIM Development showed their commitment to being a good neighbor and preserving the natural environment in the area.

As a result of this partnership, CIM Development made the decision to reduce 5 parking spaces and saved 10 live coast oaks as part of a development project. This decision not only preserved the natural environment but also supported the community’s desire to maintain a green and sustainable area.

The UNNC Tree Policy was officially adopted in March 2013 and has since served as a guiding framework for preserving trees during any construction projects. The policy has been successful in ensuring that potential developers are aware of the community’s commitment to preserving trees and the environment. Additionally, it has made it easier for UNNC to identify and work with developers who share the same values and principles.

The official UNNC Tree Policy can be viewed here: UNNC-Official-Tree-Policy-2023.pdf

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