Join us at a Neighborhood Workshop

Our Urban Forest: Planning for Trees Workshop
Saturday, February 10
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3901 West Adams Blvd. L.A. 90018

Koreatown Youth and Community Center (KYCC), the South LA Tree Coalition (SLAT), and Council District 10 invite community members to a workshop where you can provide your thoughts on our neighborhood’s trees.

The workshop is part of an effort by the County and City of Los Angeles, who are partnering to create Urban Forest Management Plans (UFMP). These UFMP plans will outline the vision for how we can protect and maintain trees and identify necessary resources, policies, and programs to grow our urban forest and keep it healthy for future generations. Please consider being part of the process by joining in at this neighborhood workshop.

  • Everyone is invited, bring your friends and family.
  • Share your vision for the future of our urban forest and what your neighborhood needs to grow.
  • Snacks and refreshments will be provided and everyone who comes can enter a drawing to win a prize!

Tree Equity is part of the conversation.

Trees are an important part of the City’s infrastructure and a key strategy for protecting residents from urban issues of heat and poor air quality, especially in light of the climate crisis. In Los Angeles, the neighborhoods most impacted by these issues often also have the least tree canopy cover.

The Urban Forest Management Plans will include strategies for tree canopy equity throughout the City. This strategy will consider and include not only priority areas for tree planting and establishment care investments but also tree preservation and maintenance recommendations to ensure existing trees continue to grow and support the City’s tree canopy. Many Los Angeles neighborhoods with low tree canopy have physical limitations (such as narrow parkways or overhead wires) that impact the types of trees that can be planted in public spaces.

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